


It is used as a part for a tractor, and it is manufactured in an integral rotational molding. Its design expressional ability is excellent, which makes it possible for it to store plenty of oils. Major Client Company: ISEKI, Hyundai Infracore

Product packaging and Shipping conditions

Steel Pallet or Wooden Box Contact Supplier, FOB,CIF,CFR terms.

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Product info

Business Field Market Manufacturer Department
Composites Mobility KoreaComposite Equipment Marketing & Sales Team

product description

1. About Rotation Method – It’s a part manufacturing method, in which materials of powder form are put into a hollow mold, and a product is manufactured as the mold is heated and rotates with two axes, and materials form layers while adhering to the inner surface of the mold. – Material Input → Mold Heating → Mold Cooling → Product Blowdown

2. Characteristics of the Rotation Method 1) Available for thickness adjustment (Molding thickness is uniform in comparison with BLOW molding) 2) Available for implementation of large, complicated shapes 3) Less Material Loss 4) Available for multilayer molding

3. Rotation Molding Mimetic Diagram SMC Molding Mimetic Diagram “ src=

4. MDPE Material Report

Item Unit Lupolen 4021 K RM
Test Standard Property
Melt Flow Rate (190℃/2.16kg) g/10min ISO 1133-1 4.0
Density g/㎤ ISO 1183-1 0.9395
Tensile Modulus MPa ISO 527-1, -2 750
Tensile Stress at Yield MPa ISO 527-1, -2 19
Tensile Strain at Break % ISO 527-1, -2 > 450
Tensile Strain at Yield % ISO 527-1, -2 9
ESCR (F50) hr ASTM D1693 > 1000
FNCT, (6.0MPa, 2% Arkopal N100, 50℃) hr ISO 16770 50
Tensile Impact Strength kJ/㎡ ISO 8256 120
Vicat Softening Temperature (A/50 N) ISO 306 114

Supply Ability

  • 1. Retained Equipment/ Oven type 2set(2600L


Fuel Tank Fuel Tank Fuel Tank


Dukjae Lee

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